20 Dec

Resolutions and how to keep up with them (business edition)

With the new year approaching, having resolutions for your business is important to keep up with business growth. In this blog, I’ll tell you how to make a resolution and how to keep up with it using helpful techniques. 

To make a resolution, I would suggest using the SMART technique which stands for: 

  • Specific 
  • Measurable 
  • Achievable 
  • Relevant 
  • Time-bound 

For example, a small business’s new year’s resolution could be to increase brand awarenessHowever, by using the SMART acronym, the objective becomes more attainable, hence the resolution would change to; ‘To increase brand awareness on social media by 35% by the 30th of June 2023.’ Doing this defines the resolution and increases the chances of attainability.  

The SMART acronym increases clarity and eradicates vagueness in a resolution. This is important as it makes the resolution easier to track and achieve.  

Now onto how you can measure and keep up with your resolution as we all know creating one is the easy part but many struggles with keeping up with it.  

To keep up with a resolution, it is important to be reminded of it regularly. One way to do this is to create a plan or schedule that outlines the steps you will take to achieve your resolution and set specific deadlines for each step. This will help you stay focused and motivated and make it easier to track your progress.  

Another tip is to break your resolution down into smaller goals or tasks. This can help you make progress more easily and can also provide a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each task along the way.  

It's also important to be realistic about your goals and expectations. Don't set yourself up for failure by making resolutions that are impossible to achieve. Be honest with yourself about what you can realistically accomplish and adjust your goals accordingly.  

Another way to keep up with your resolution is to involve others in your efforts. Tell your friends and family about your resolution and ask for their support and encouragement. You could also join a support group or online community where you can share your progress and get advice and feedback from others who are working towards similar goals.  

Finally, be prepared for setbacks and challenges along the way. Everyone faces challenges and obstacles when working towards their goals, and it's important to stay positive and resilient in the face of these challenges. If you need to, adjust your goals or your plan, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.  

Overall, the key to keeping up with your business resolution is to set clear, achievable goals, create a plan, and stay focused and motivated. With these tips, you can achieve your goals and take your business to new heights in the coming year. 



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